How to change account name in windows 11

How to change account name in windows 11 |
Windows 11 is an operating system that consists of the latest version of Windows. It provides the feature to change ...
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How To Install MySQL Database Server On Ubuntu 22.04

How To Install MySQL Database Server On Ubuntu 22.04 |
MySQL is a very popular and open-source relational database. It works in client and server systems. MySQL supports the majority ...
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How to install MySQL database server on Windows 11

How to install MySQL database server on Windows 11 |
MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems. It is a fast, reliable, multi-user platform. MySQL Server ...
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How to download and install Postman in Ubuntu

How to download and install Postman in Ubuntu |
Postman is an Application Programming Interface. It can help the users to create, test, and share http-type requests. This software ...
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How to install Pycharm IDE on Windows

How to install Pycharm IDE on Windows |
PyCharm is one of the most used Python IDEs for Python Programming language. This Python is largely used by top ...
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How to download and install java in Ubuntu 

How to download and install java in Ubuntu  |
Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system. It is the most popular Linux distribution. It is an open-source code.  Java is ...
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How to create a telegram account

How to create a telegram account |
Telegram is a messaging app used all over the World. It focuses on Speed and Security. It is simple, Super-fast, ...
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Things to do before selling your old smartphone

Things to do before selling your old smartphone |
There are many companies available in the market that provide the latest and most advanced feature-based Smartphones. Whenever a new ...
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What is the difference between an ATM card and a Debit Card

What is the difference between an ATM card and a Debit Card |
Money Transaction is the latest digital demand. In ancient times the Bank was the only source for personal deposits and ...
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What is SSH and how to use SSH in Linux

What is SSH and how is SSH set up in Linux |
The digital environment works on a secure platform. SSH is one of the networking interfaces that provide a Secure Shell.  ...
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