Cryptography is the method of data storage and transmission in which the sender sends a data security on the algorithm to send it, so that only he can open the data to which the sender is sending. Data can be of any kind, such as: text, images, videos etc. In this, the sensor uses cryptography in two ways. The types of cryptography are given below:
1. Asymmetric Encryption
2. Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption:
In this, the user uses two types of keys in asymmetric encryption. One of keys is called the private key and the second public key. When the user sends data, he encrypts the data or message from his public key . When the user receives the data, then uses his private key to decrypt the data.
Symmetric Encryption:
In this, the user uses only one signal key that is called secret key. Sender and receiver both are use same key to encrypt the message or data.